How Stonehenge was created 5000 years ago without seemingly essential building tools remains a mystery to this day. But, what is not a mystery is that when it comes to building blogs, I’ve spent a fortune and wasted a lot of time on the wrong tools. Phew, I said it. Now, I don’t want that for you. So, I’ve compiled a ‘blogging tools of the trade’ resource full of the tools, products and services I use to help you. In full disclosure, some blogging tools I recommend are affiliate partners but only because I use them to help my blog and I genuinely think they can help yours. If you want to go straight there for a look around click here.
As you start or grow your blog you’ll discover there are hundreds of tools out there each promising to revolutionise your blogging world and meet your needs fast. And, some do but let’s face it, some don’t. The reason, some of them don’t is often down to us. Maybe we’ve jumped the gun and got ahead of ourselves? Maybe we didn’t realise what’s out there for free?
To help you navigate the plethora of blogging tools here’s six top pieces of advice to mull over before you do or buy anything!
How to choose the right and best blogging tools for you?
- Do you know your blogging goals? – Make sure you’ve set your goals. If you know you’re going to explode into video this year then that’s where you put your research, time, money and energy.
- How much money do you want to spend? – Sounds obvious but those annual subscriptions and fancy products can soon add up. Always look to see if there’s a free option, free trial, free opt-in to get by for now. Also, sign-up to mailing lists when you’ve got your eye on a product so you know when the discounts are coming. Companies know when you’re tempted!
- What do you need to know right now? – There are lots of free courses, two-free months with Skillshare, or learning through webinars and joining Facebook groups. It’s so easy (trust me) to get sucked into lots of learning but not as much doing or action because you get distracted by this product, method or tool along the way. Focus your learning efforts to meet your goals.
- Does this product or service suit my needs? – Tools and services often come with a variety of plans. Convertkit the email marketing service provider I use is aimed at individuals right through to large businesses and each plan unlocks more features which everyone will tell you is a must-have! Don’t be afraid to start small after all they’re not going to stop you from upgrading!
- Know your weaknesses – Mine is absolutely shiny object syndrome – I love what I do and I devour posts, podcasts and videos about blogging techniques, tools and strategies. But, this means it is mega-tempting to look at the next thing; that app or plugin I’ve just discovered.
- Know the ones that are seriously worth it for your blog and for you – If you’re just starting then please use hosting which gives you complete control over your website and not I’ve used Bluehost with one-click WordPress built-in on two websites and it is very affordable and easy to use. Find tools to support your mental well-being and enjoyment. It may be something as simple as notebooks that make your writing smooth, a social media scheduler to save time on your posts, google calendar or the Trello app on your phone or if you’re into Pinterest a tool like Tailwind to help you pin, pin, pin. And, you can never go wrong investing in your writing skills. A tool like Grammarly can give you a real confidence boost.
Related Link: Take a look here if you need help setting your goals for blogging success
Now, Discover My Favourite Blogging Tools
Here’s a snapshot of the types of resources I’ve included over on The Essential Tools To Grow Your History Blog.

My best tools for starting and growing a blog are listed under these categories:
- Webhosting and Design
- Finding Online Courses
- Producing and Editing Videos
- Growing Your Email List
- Graphic Design
- Social Media Marketing and Schedulers
- Writing Top Blogs & Mastering Search Engine Optimisation
- Staying Organised

Please share in the comments any great blogging tools you’ve come across or use because I love hearing about them and that way we can help each other too : )